To add an account number to many invoices at the same time:
- In the Invoice Entry screen, pull up the invoices that are missing the account number for one customer.
- If you have multiple customers who need account numbers added, sort on the Customer Name column to group invoices together for the same customer.
- Multi-select the invoices you want to assign the account number to.
- Right-click one of the selected invoices and choose "Bulk" → "Update Customer".
- Enter the Customer Name and click the box with the three dots at the right end of the Account field and the Edit Customer dialog will open showing the account numbers for each manufacturer the customer is buying from.
- Enter the Account number in the "Account" field in the Bulk Assign Customer dialog and click "Save".
If the customer is a new customer for the manufacturer you can enter the name of the manufacturer and the account number in the "Edit Customer" dialog, click "Add" and then enter the information in the Bulk Assign Customer dialog.
Once the Save button is pressed, the entered account number will be applied to all of the selected invoices, and the screen will refresh. Pull back up the list of invoices to confirm the account number was applied as desired.