Full Name
Job Title
Social Media Accounts
Company Revenue
Number of Employees
There are over 85 possible fields that can be found, but not all contacts or companies will have all information available -- the more active the company is on social media sites, business directories, and other common sources of demographic information there are, the more information the service is able to turn up about them. This kind of service is an excellent research mechanism to qualify new leads, or as a method of keeping contact and company data from becoming stale over time.
Our manufacturer partner had a trade show booth at a recent event and captured a lead list for us to follow-up on. Unfortunately, we didn't get as much information about the people visiting the booth as we would like, so that we can follow-up with as much precise detail as is called for by the position and size of the company that we are working with.
Not a problem, either importing the list of contacts or entering them into MRSware, with whatever detail is already available, can trigger our Data Enrichment integration to fill in more contact detail including the Job Titles and Company Sizes for us. Once the details are filled in, the follow-up calls will be more productive as we won't need to cover basic information to qualify or target the lead with the correct products.