MRSware email can be set to automatically check the spelling in a message before sending it. To enable this option, select the Tools menu and Always Check Spelling before Sending when creating a new email. The option will remain enabled until unchecked by the User.
Access the Demo Installation with Sample Data
MRSware Desktop In order to install MRSware click on the Try It link here or at the top of the menu bar and fill out the form. The page you are brought to has the 1-2-3 Steps download links to install the Microsoft .Net Framework and the MRSware Desktop software. At the same time you will be mailed the Demo Installation Keys to use -- be sure to keep an eye on the email address you entered in the form; if you don't see the email, be sure to check your Spam folder as well. MRSweb (in the browser) To access the web browser version, MRSweb, from desktop, phone or tablet, go to and click Login and then Sign-Up Now. Please use your work email address to sign-up. You will be sent an email to confirm your accounts, after clicking that you will have access to the Demo Installation and sample data. New MRSware Users with Company's Installation To install the MRSware Desktop software on a new computer, follow the MRSware Desktop instructions above. In step 3, instead of entering the Demo Installation keys, enter your company-specific keys that were emailed to you and can also be found in the Welcome to MRSware letter. If you access to a computer with MRSware already installed, and are installing on a new computer, you can find your keys under the "Help" menu's "Installation Settings". To access your company's data via MRSweb, either follow-up the steps above to create your MRSweb account, or simply login if you have already done so. Once you are signed-up with your own MRSware installation, and use your work email to login to MRSweb, you will automatically be directed to your company's data. If you need technical assistance please contact [email protected]. |
DocumentationYou will find technical documentation, MRSware instructions, release notes, and general content to help MRSware users through their day on this page. Categories
November 2022