It's always a good idea to review and update categories, labels, types, and process steps. Some of the reasons for updating categories could be:
- cleaning up duplicate categories such as - sales meeting and sales training, or sales call and presentation, or ride-with or work-with, or many other categories that could mean the same thing to different reps
- adding a prefix to a long list of categories in order to make it easier to find specific entries - BG:: Embassy Group; BG:: NISSCO; BG::SSS; BG::WIT & Co. If you listed the buying groups without a prefix they would be listed alphabetically throughout your list, but with a prefix they are all together and much easier to find in your categories list
The first step is to look at your current categories to review them. There are two options if you want to print out a list. Option 1 from the MRSware desktop client and Option 2 from MRSweb CRM 2 web client.