To get started with Invoice Import, go to the Invoice Import Users Manual. This handy reference takes the user step-by-step through working with manufacturers spreadsheets and importing the data into MRSware.
Invoice Import is the process of bringing sales and commission data into MRSware. Sales and Commission data is represented as an Invoice in MRSware, but doesn't necessarily have to have the full number of fields that would typically be found in an invoice -- it can be as simple as the Customers' Name and Sales amount. However, the Invoice Importer and a MRSware Invoice has the full features of an invoice and can track customer PO's, shipment tracking numbers, and sales and commissions data down to the line item level.
To get started with Invoice Import, go to the Invoice Import Users Manual. This handy reference takes the user step-by-step through working with manufacturers spreadsheets and importing the data into MRSware.
Users can assign Categories to the Contacts working at several Companies all at once. From the Company Listing:
Here are some examples on what this feature can be used for: a) I want to send out a product promotion to all of my distributor sales reps from one of my buying groups. The buying groups are in the categories, but are currently only maintained at the company level. Let's bulk update the categories for all of those companies' contacts to move the category down to the contacts level. Now from here, I can do a combined search on the Job Title field, along with my buying group category, and get the exact distribution list I am looking for. b) I have all of my customers assigned to me via a category in the company listing. I want to copy that category over to the individuals at those customers, so that I can synchronize them to my phone. Bulk update the contacts' categories to assign your sync category, then synchronize away to get them all down to your phone. The Customer Listing, accessible from the Customers link in the Shortcuts Panel, provides two views: 1. The default view is "Customer View". It shows one row for each Customer entry in the system. This row, or individual entry for the customer, shows the Customer Name, assigned Sales Rep, the sales rep's commission Split Rate, Sales Total columns, and the Company's business information. 2. An alternate view, "Account View", is available from the Customers menu. In Account View, each Account Number for each customer is presented on a separate line. This creates multiple listing for each customer when that customer has an account number with more than one Manufacturer (one row per account number). This view also shows the Manufacturer associated with that account number, and the sales for each account. If there are no account numbers in the Customer entry, then there is nothing to show in Account View. For example, if a Customer buys from three lines but only has an Account Number entry with one, the Account View shows just the one line with the account number. For more information on Account Numbers and their use, refer to Account Numbers, to use them and which to use. The main purpose of providing the Account View option is to provide the user a method to do searches by account number, by assigned Manufacturer, and see a quick total of sales per line directly in the Customer listing. More detailed analysis should continue to take place in Report Explorer and Data Analysis. The Contact Import User Manual provides instruction on how to use the Contact Import Wizard. The Contact Import Wizard automates the process of importing contacts and companies stored in other software packages into MRSware.
Contact Import User Manual Because MRSware is not a static entity, parts of the User Manual may be out of date. Check back periodically to view the new additions and changes to the User Manual. This video takes a quick look at Product level details using Data Analysis. A quick look at dimensions in Data Analysis, and specifically the Months dimension for aggregating sales and/or commissions for different periods. When first logging into MRSware, you will see that there are a lot of Shortcuts and options in the system. What we recommend is that new Users pick a subject or two that they are interested in and work with those first. After becoming comfortable with these first parts, pick something else and start using that... There is always time to take on a new challenge as you become more familiar with the last.
Under the Support tab you will find Training Lessons with instructions on how to use a specific area within MRSware, Documentation with step-by-step instructions on how to use MRSware, blogs discussing best practices, marketing, and useful tools for your computer and your business. Because MRSware is not a static entity, there will be many updates to the instructions found in Documentation. Please check the dates to see if there are updated instructions. The "Bulk" → "Update Split Rate" feature can be used to apply a split rate to all of the selected Invoices in the Invoice Entry screen or Customers in the Customer listing. To update the split rate to many invoices or customers at the same time:
Once the Save button is pressed, the entered split rate will be applied to all of the selected invoices, and the screen will refresh. Pull back up the list of invoices to confirm the split rate was applied as desired. In the Customer Listing, you have to make sure that you are in "Customer View" under the Customers menu, in order to be able to update the Split Rates. The Sender Verification system has been updated to work more consistently with our new spam filtering system architecture... There are now 3 effective levels of Sender Verification:
0% Incoming e-mail that has not been pre-filtered will receive a 0% sender verification rating. This is most typically seen if the sending mail server has bypassed the proper route to send e-mail to a Users domain. Setting the Sender Verification Threshold to 0% will place all incoming e-mail in the Inbox. This setting is not recommended unless the User is intentionally disabling the MRSware Spam filtering (such would be the case for User who are exclusively using Outlook or another e-mail client for e-mail, and not the MRSware e-mail client). |
DocumentationYou will find technical documentation, MRSware instructions, release notes, and general content to help MRSware users through their day on this page. Categories
November 2022