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Depending on the screen size of your device you may prefer one style over another.
The Appointments Sidebar provides Data View Styles similar to the other pages. However with Appointments, the most popular view style is Calendar. In the Calendar View Style there are 5 Tabs:
Depending on the screen size of your device you may prefer one style over another.
Companies are setting up new regulations, restrictions, and guidelines to follow when re-opening for business. Every business is different in how they want their employees to interact with the public, including vendors. Sorting and organizing all the various rules is a like a jumble - confusing if you don't have a system that allows you to track and share them. In MRSware you can track and share these guidelines to make it easier to work with all businesses you interact with. One way to enter the information is in the Contact’s Note field. Here's how: In MRSware - 1. Open a Contact card 2. In the Notes field, enter the new regulations for doing business with the contact's company 3. Click "Save and Close" On your phone: 1. Tap on Contacts 2. Select a Contact 3. Tap "Edit" 4. Tap "Notes" 5. Enter the new regulations for doing business with the contact's company 6. Tap "Save" Once saved, the information will be Sync'd with MRSware Sync, so you have access to the information wherever you're working. A while back we posted an article on integrating MRSware File Share with Box, Dropbox, Google Drive and others. In that article, we talked about setting up the sync app for those various file sharing services to use a folder within the My MRSware Files folder on your computer, and this anything placed in that folder in MRSware would be synchronized with your online service account, and from there with your various devices that are also connected to that service.
Today, I just want to point out another way to sync the entire My MRSware File folder structure and files with Google Drive specifically, and point out one of the great reasons to do this: use Google Docs, Google Sheets, and other Google Apps directly with your company files stored in MRSware. Move the My MRSware Files folder to Google Drive In the Preferences section of MRSware, Users can move the My MRSware Files folder to anywhere they like. The My MRSware Files folder is where MRSware places copies of the File Share files you are working on your computer's hard drive. Moving the entire folder to your Google Drive folder will put all future contents you are working on directly into Google Drive. There are 3 main navigation elements in MRSweb:
Each mobile device has the ability to add shortcuts to your favorite web apps to the Home screen of the device. Here are the instructions for some of the most popular ones:
These consolidated charts each have independent Y-axis on the left- and right-sides. The bars in the chart go with the axis on the left; the line on the chart goes with the axis on the right. This 2-axis system allows for both better use of page space on smaller devices as well as an interesting comparison of the relationship of the metrics involved... For example, if sales are going up but commissions are staying the same (e.g. in a case of decreased commission rates), this would be visible as a greater increase in the relative size of the bars vs the line; likewise a greater increase in the number of sales calls vs the time spent on each would show in the same way on the Activity chart. Can we talk? Have you ever known a successful sales person that was at a loss for words? Let's use this ability to easily enter call reports into MRSweb.
Here's the scenario: You've just finished a sales call, sales meeting, training session, etc. You want to enter some notes about what happened during the call and what your next steps are. You use your smartphone to enter these details into MRSweb using your phone's Speech-to-Text function. Here's how: In MRSweb, instead of scrolling through a long list when you're looking for a specific company or contact, use the "Filter" option to quickly find your company or contact. Think of this as the MRSweb Quick Contact Selector.
Here's how: User have the ability to to Star email items on their mobile devices connected to MRSware via IMAP, and those stars will carry over to MRSware Desktop as Flagged items. Likewise, Flagged messages in MRSware will be shown with a Star on mobile devices.
One of the oft-requested features in MRSware is the ability to make font sizes larger to increase readability. While we do have several settings in MRSware Desktop that allow for large fonts in tables and text areas, it isn't possible to increase the font size everywhere as that is depend on the computer's resolution settings.
MRSweb, however, is different. Due to the nature of the design -- responsive web design -- Users have the ability to zoom in to make things larger, and the app will reorganize itself to fit the contents on the screen at the new size. In the MRSweb client users have the ability to change their own password. Simply login to MRSweb and click on the Home page tile "Change Password". When changing your password, keep in mind that unlike with the MRSware Windows Desktop Client, where we required an Installation Key, your MRSweb login is ready to go with just your Username and Password.
One of the best features about a desktop app is that you can open multiple windows, search results, add/edit windows, etc. all at the same time in order to work on several different items or cross-reference information in another part of the system.
The question then comes up, how do I do something similar in a web app to improve my productivity? |
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November 2022