Is there any limit or maximum to the amount of files we upload to MRSware?
There is no limit to the number of files, or the size of those files.
Your files in File Storage do count against your total storage usage. As such we recommend using File Share to store files that users need to access when outside the office, on the road, or that are worked on collaboratively (using the revision control system). What we don't generally recommend is uploading all of your files from your computer, or from a in-office network file storage device, as this will generally be lots of files that are infrequently (if ever) accessed.
1. Everyone knows where the price list is located in File Share since it doesn't change locations (or names).
2. Everyone has access to the same, most recent version of the price list through File Share.
3. File Share storage usage is kept under control, by your System Administrator, since we only have the most recent version of the file ready for access, instead of multiple, older copies stored as well.
File Storage: The company is allocated 200MB* per user for file and e-mail storage. This allocation is for the company as a whole, so that one user can be using 300MB and another 100MB and still not exceed the storage allocation. Calculate the companies total storage allocation by multiplying the number of users times 200MB. The system does not prevent the upload of files exceeding this amount, but the company is charged for usage over the allocation.
* File storage amounts vary depending on the MRSware package plan your company is using.