How do I get a list of customers for one of my manufacturers that also includes the contacts at those various customers?
You can use the Contact Export Wizard to do this:
1. Click on "File" → "Export" → "Contact Export Wizard".
2. Check the box that says "Customers" on the Search Options (first) page. Press Next.
3. Fill in the Principals name. Press Next.
4. On the Export Criteria page, make sure "Both Companies and Contacts" is selected at the top. Check the box that says "Include contacts for matching companies" near the bottom. Press Next.
5. Continue through the wizard until you get to the Export Destinations page. Enter the file name you want to create and press Finish.
This creates and opens a spreadsheet file that contains all of the companies and contacts for the selected manufacturer. You can play around with the various options in the wizard to further filter down your results as needed. For example, you might run this for a particular sales rep, or geography.