Should you retain the data or should it be deleted from your MRSware system? Let's look at the issue from both sides.
• Confuses the numbers - it isn't current and skews the numbers
• Muddies the water - reps lose focus on current sales strategy
• Depresses morale - reps see negative numbers & it effects their sales efforts
• Clutters system - unnecessary data clogs the system
On the “retain it” side, we hear the data is:
• Useful when a competitive line is picked up – old product information assists reps in retaining the business and targeting new business with their customers
• Useful when a sales manager or rep moves to another company – long-term relationship information assists reps in developing new business at the new company
• Useful for strategic planning – old sales & commission data assists management with future planning
• Necessary for financial planning – old data is required by the government and for tax planning purposes as well as employee profit sharing, retirement plans, etc.
While the comments on both sides of this issue are valid, I believe the “retain it” side wins the day. What we learn from old history can make the difference in the future success of our companies. When you delete your old history, you are losing knowledge – product, personal, and financial. You are also losing time spent by an employee on a negative action, when they could be using that time in a more positive manner.
There are ways to minimize the affect of the numbers so your reports are reflecting day-to-day activity, while retaining the company history. If you are interested in learning about the steps to take to minimize the history of out of business customers, you can read the article in, titled "Removing out of Business Customers" You can also contact [email protected] for more information.