The most requested sales dollar summary fields from the Customer Sales by Rep and Principal Sales by Rep reports can now be found in a new Data Analysis cube titled Sales Summary Analysis. How to run the data analysis cube:
- Open Data Analysis via the Shortcuts panel.
- Run the Sales Summary Analysis cube by double-clicking on it.
- Select the dates to analyze.
Why use Data Analysis instead of the Report Explorer?
The reports in report explorer are great for quickly generating sales data for print or e-mail; the PDF formatting in particular lends itself well for either of these jobs. Data Analysis allows users the additional flexibility to sort and filter the sales data to see just what the user is interested in. For example, a sales rep could filter the cube view to show just a particular customer and the lines he is buying from in order to share this information with the customer.
To sort a column, click the Agg. Value column header. Clicking once sorts ascending (bottom up dollar amounts); clicking twice sorts descending (top down); clicking a third time will remove the sorting from the column.
How to Filter
On the Dimension fields, click on the "tree" icon to open the filtering dialog. By default, all members of a dimension are selected; to change the members that are showing, un-check them from the list. To remove all members, press the red-X button; then re-select just the members you would like to add back in.
Another advantage of the Sales Summary Analysis cube over a report is the ability to break down the information by additional criteria by using the Dimensions available in the cube. For example, by including the Address dimension in the left-hand pane, the user can show a breakdown by State of Customer sales.
In order to assist users in getting started using this new Data Analysis cube, we have included several views for download that replicate the layout found in some of the reports available in Report Explorer:
SalesSummary - SalesSummary - SalesSummary - SalesSummary - SalesSummary - SalesSummary - | Customer Sales by each Sales Rep Customer Sales showing each line purchased (Principal) by the Customer, broken down by Sales Rep Principal Sales by each Sales Rep Principal Sales showing each Customer purchasing from the Principal, broken down by Sales Rep Sales by State for each Sales Rep; expand the State column to see each Customer for each State Sales by State for each Sales Rep shown by month of the year |
To use these views:
- Download this zip file, which contains all the views:
- Open the zip file and extract them to your My MRSware Documents\DataAnalysis folder (defaultly located in the user's My Documents folder).
- From within the Sales Summary Analysis cube, use the File à Open menu. Under Files of type: select Cube State File (*.cbs) and navigate to the saved files you just downloaded. Select and click Open on the view you wish to use. The view will be applied to the user's current data set, rearranging the columns and rows to match those saved in the Cube State File.
Column Definitions
This Month
This column shows the sales total for the month selected in the To field. For example, selecting From 7/1/2005 and To 6/30/2006 will result in this column showing total sales for June 2006.
Prev.YR Month
This column shows the sales total for the month one year prior (year-1) to the month selected in the To field. For example, selecting From 7/1/2005 and To 6/30/2006 will result in this column showing total sales for June 2005.
This Year
This column shows the sales total for the date range selected starting from the From date and ending with the To date, inclusive of those days. For example, selecting From 7/1/2005 and To 6/30/2006 will result in this column showing total sales for July 2005 through June 2006.
Prev. Year
This column shows the sales total for one year prior (year-1) to the date range selected starting from the From date and ending with the To date, inclusive of those days. For example, selecting From 7/1/2005 and To 6/30/2006 will result in this column showing total sales for July 2004 through June 2005.
Prev.YR Total
This column shows the sales total for the year prior (year-1) to the year selected in the To date. For example, selecting From 7/1/2005 and To 6/30/2006 will result in this column showing total sales for year 2005.
Mo.% Diff
This column shows the percentage change from the Prev.Yr Month column to the This Month column as a percentage of growth from previous month to current month. For example: for Prev.Yr Month = $400.00 and This Month = $600.00, Mo.% Diff = 50; there is a 50% growth from month to month.
Yr.% Diff
This column shows the percentage change from the Prev.Year column to the This Year column as a percentage of growth from previous year to current year. For example: for PrevYear = $400.00 and This Year = $600.00, Yr.% Diff = 50; there is a 50% growth from year to year.
Date Selection Notes
Select the date range you wish to analyze. The matching date range for one year prior will be automatically selected as part of the analysis. For example, selecting a From date of 1/1/2006 and a To date of 6/30/2006 will acquire all of the invoice sales information for 1/1/2005 (the year prior) through 6/30/2006 (the To date) for analysis.
The month selected in the To date field will be the month that is shown in the This Month and Prev.YR Month columns. Selecting an ending month for which data has not been entered into the system yet, will result in these two columns showing N/A for all entries.
Additional Columns
There are three additional columns that are off by default, but can be turned on for additional analysis:
This column shows the year to date sales dollars for the year selected in the To field.
This column shows the year to date sales dollars for the year immediately prior (year-1) for the year selected in the To field.
YTD% Diff
This column shows the percentage change between the YTD and Prev.YTD columns as a percentage of growth from previous year to current year. For example: for Prev. YTD = $400.00 and YTD = $600.00, YTD% Diff = 50; there is a 50% growth from year to year.