Did you ever wonder how professional athletes can be so-so players for one team and then when they're traded to another team become stars? It happens over and over again in the professional leagues. So what's the secret? I believe it's great coaching that makes the difference.
Most outstanding athletes credit their coaches with helping them achieve their success. It's hard to see our own weaknesses, yet when someone else takes a look, those imperfections are clear to see. With help (coaching), determination, and hard work the so-so player can become a star.
Do you have team members who are so-so players at their position? When they were hired, someone (perhaps even you) saw something in them that would make them outstanding at their job. What happened?
Whether you, your sales manager, or a top player at their position does the coaching, the elements of coaching are the same:
- Listen - hear what the player wants to achieve
- what's the goal
- what does success look like
- Communicate - be clear; help them see for themselves what needs to be done
- ask open ended questions
- what's preventing the achievement of the goal
- skills gap
- inconsistencies
- confidence
- what needs to change to reach the goal
- Provide feedback - help the player determine their path
- non judgmental
- create a plan
- actions for today
- actions for the future
- positive reinforcement for progress
- reaching milestones
- new behavior/habits
- achieving goals
Coaching takes time, but when the results help someone reach their potential you and the company reap the rewards.