The two services are IMAP (for synchronizing email) and Funambol/MRSware Sync (for synchronizing contacts, calendars, and tasks). Below is an overview of the instructions to set up Outlook, with the links to the more specific instructions for each section.
A. Email in Outlook
Set up a new Account in Outlook that is your MRSware IMAP Mailbox.
IMAP Settings for MRSware EMail
B. Contact, Calendar, and Task synchronization with Outlook
1. Create your MRSware Mobile accounts in System Administration.
MRSware Mobile Administrator Setup for service
2. Assign Companies and Contacts to your MRSware Mobile Category.
MRSware Mobile User Setup for synchronization
3. Set up Outlook with the Funambol plug-in to synchronize with MRSware.
Outlook Funambol plug-in installation for MRSware Mobile