- Sign-up for IFTTT. It is free.
- Download the app for Android. There is also an app for iOS; the example here is based on the Android app that I am using myself.
- Go to the page on IFTTT where I have shared the recipe, "Received call email reminder".
From the shared recipe page, the service will ask you to activate your Android Channel and your Gmail channel (it is using Gmail to send the reminder email). Once you do that just fill in your email address you want the reminder sent to and click the "Use Recipe" button.
That is it, now you will receive an email with the caller's number, time & length of call. I have my reminder sent to MRSware (of course) and all I need to do is drag the email over to the Journal icon to create a new journal from it. Link the new Journal to the caller, summarize what you talked about, and record the time. New Journal logged.
The above way to remember to enter a journal is one I use, and there are many other interesting things that can be done through this service. If you create something interesting, let us know in the comments.