This is a repost from our Newsletter that goes out via email. If you wish to subscribe, fill out any of our forms found here on or send an email to [email protected].
Pre-Fall Newsletter Promotion
Temperatures in Austin are still over 100 on a regular basis, and Fall can't come fast enough! Let's usher it in with a pre-fall promotion exclusively for our newsletter recipients... Feel like you are stuck in your current software because it is too expensive to get your data into a new system? Prepay a year in MRSware and receive FREE data import from your current system. If what you are using can spit out a spreadsheet file, we will import that for free. We'll take up to 4 years of data and put it in the right spots to get you up and running right out of the gate with no downtime. As always, MRSware includes training and support, so we'll also get you productive in your new system from the start.MRSware for Manufacturers Reps, Sales and Commission tracking from Order to Commission Payment, Opportunity tracking, Activity reporting, and many integrations with other systems available.
Ideas, Enhancements, and Requests
Current MRSware User and have an idea to make the system better? Not a MRSware User and not finding any solution for your company's current data challenges? Open to all, the Ideas site is the place to enter what you need, review what other people are looking for, and rate/rank what you would like to see next.
Reps Around the Web
Security Sales & Integration
Active Customer Map
When planning your visit to a particular area, make sure you don't miss anyone. Filter Customers by City, State or Zip, sort top-down by year-to-date dollars, see where they are at on the integrated map and set up appointments. Find yourself with a little extra time between calls? See what prospects are in the area and get turn-by-turn navigation directly on your mobile device. When the call is complete, don't forget to leave a note about the visit, to make future calls more productive.ChangeLog: Invalid Emails view in Individuals
Easily find those addresses that are incorrectly formatted and make corrections. Sometimes those lists we get from shows and other sources are hit-and-miss, use this feature to trim out the misses ahead of time.Google Multi-Calendar Sync with MRSware
Each team member can synchronize their Google Calendar directly with MRSware, allowing the rest of the team to easily block-out times for meetings and report back to Manufacturers on important touches. Google sync allows for the separation of business and personal calendars as well, so you don't have to mix work and home when you don't want to.MRSweb Sales Import Process
Sales Import, the video! Watch as we walk through a sales import, which can be any and all of the reports from PO to Order confirmation, Invoice shipping report, and Commission statement. Get importing Manufacturers' spreadsheets done in minutes; large Wholesaler reports in under 20 minutes!Free Trial
We always offer a Free Trial of MRSware for those that are interested in kicking the tires to see what this is all about. Sign-up on the web, with MRSweb, to take a look at our Demo installation with sample data ready to review. When you are ready to test with your own data, just let us know and we will enable your own blank installation to get started.No credit cards required to take a look, no hassles to get a feel for what MRSware has to offer.