PTRA always has great speakers, and this year was no different. Some of the highlights for me were:
Mike Mulane's "Countdown to Teamwork" - Mike is a retired NASA space shuttle astronaut who used his experience with the space shuttle program to remind us of the importance of teamwork. During his session, Mike talked about three areas of importance in teamwork -
- Normalization of Deviance - avoiding the lowering of your standards
- Responsibility & Accountability - including the entire team
- Courageous Self-Leadership - motivating yourself, with knowledge, to take yourself to the next level
With these three topics, Mike showed us the value of teamwork and how you can move your company and people to step outside their comfort zones to succeed in business and life.
Susan Sabo's "Office in your Car and Other Productivity Tips" - Susan's entertaining discussion included many ways to be more effective and productive in your personal and business life. She shared ideas and tips on how to be more organized - at home, at the office, and in your car using gadgets, software, and low and high tech tools. Throughout her presentation, Susan stressed the importance of setting up routines to help you stay organized leading you to be more effective and productive.
Dr Michael Santo's "Selecting the Right People for the Right Positions" - Dr Santo discussed the differences between two types of testing tools - psychological tests and behavioral tests. For hiring, Dr Santo suggested psychological testing is the preferred method. Dr Santo presented five areas that are key predictors of top talent:
- Influencing ability/Rejection Tolerance
- Initiative/Stamina
- Interpersonal ability
- Problem solving ability/Decision making
- Flexibility
Alan Beaulieu's "Fiscal Reality" - Alan and his twin brother, Brian, are two of my favorite presenters. They are informative and entertaining - not an easy task for economists. I am lucky enough to hear about their research and predictions a couple of times a year at various conferences, and find they are always informative and thought provoking. One of the interesting statistics Alan shared with the group was the percentage of the world's GDP for certain countries -
- USA* 21.9%
- China 11.9%
- Japan 8.3%
- Germany 4.7%
* With the largest contribution to the world's GDP, the USA has only 4.5% of the world's population.
Alan's overall tone was positive, saying even though wages, inflation, interest rates, and taxes were all going up, the next four and a half years were going to be good years economically.
With this small recap of this year's PTRA meeting, I hope you can see the importance of taking the time to attend. It's really a priceless opportunity. Next year's conference will be held in May at the Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort & Spa in Lost Pines, TX.
I look forward to seeing you there.